Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Have been experimenting with LCD lights and the like without much luck so far but bought a few digital photo frames off ebay for a couple of pounds to use as advertising hoardings. I will try and incorporate these into the walls so they don't stand out too much and they do look pretty good first hand - you can have the pictures change every second or so. Photos don't do them justice.

Sample of the pictures I've uploaded (apologies bad flash from the camera)

Only me.

Not entirely sure where November went, but a mitigating factor was that unfortunately Si Pegg Block got hit by the credit crunch. Can confirm one of the retail units I will be making will be a bank, for no reason other than it and its inhabitants will be a suitable target to vent/shoot at/bomb enabling yours truly to keep his own personal feelings to the real conniving, useless, myopic tossers to myself.

A number of things have arrived recently, notably a couple more Ziterdes boards. Unfortunately the retailer sent only 2 and not the 5 I have ordered but at least you can see below what it might look like (one of the boards includes a nifty little bridge)

Apologies for the change in EM4 ganger used to show scale, the pevious model was posted by my 2 year old down the back of the radiator and will be AWOL for a while.

Have decided now of the paint scheme and the figure bases. More to follow shortly on that.